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SUMMER SESSION | 立信国际财经学院国际暑期课程介绍
发布日期:2019-05-06 10:36:54   发布人:国际财经学院   


本次课程,我们将为准备出国的国内高中、大学以及北美高校学生提供更多可供选择的遵循北美学术标准的高品质课程。全面涵盖经济(Economic)、商科(Business)、社会科学(Social Science)、 人文科学(Humanity)等领域,引进财经领域广受关注的经济学、文科生大爱的美国历史,还有提升品位的艺术史等通识专业课,难度适中,易于掌握。



1.    纯正美式课程,获得北美大学学分

2.    高含金量实习机会,锻炼自身能力

3.    顶级社交平台,与优秀者同行

4.    花样夏日活动,玩转缤纷假期

5.    规划职业发展,共筑美好未来



      1.    有意向报读立信国际本硕课程的学生,可获得免费学习机会

      2.    有意向报读立信USCPAACCA培优班的在校大学生,可获得免费学习机会

      3.     计划出国留学的学生

      4.     有自我提升要求的学生

课程地点: 上海立信会计金融学院徐汇校区中山西路2230






Business & Management:

Course Name

Financial Accounting 金融会计学

Course Number

ACC 203



Course Description

This course is a great introduction to the world of business. Business managers need information produced through accounting in making the day-to-day operational decisions that improve a company’s performance and profitability.



Course Name

Managerial Accounting 管理会计学

Course Number

ACC 204



Course Description

This course teaches students how to extract and modify costs in order to make informed managerial decisions. Planning is covered by topics including activity-based costing, budgeting, flexible budgeting, cost-volume-profit analysis, cost estimating, and the costs of outsourcing. Control is covered by topics including standard costing, variance analysis, responsibility accounting, and performance evaluation. Emphasis is placed on cost terminology, cost behavior, cost systems, and the limitations concerning the use of average costs



Course Name

 Principles of Microeconomics  初级微观经济

Course Number

ECO 201



Course Description

The course will introduce you to the principles ofmicroelectronic analysis, or the theory of markets. We will begin with an overview of how a market economy works, then develop a set of tools (for example, demand and supply analysis, elasticity concepts, the principle of comparative advantage).初级微观经济学向学生们介绍消费者和生产者如何分配有限的资源去满足无限的需求。本课程强调了产品市场的本质与功能,市场要素,以及政府在提高效率和公平性方面的作用。课程内容主要包括稀缺性、需求与供给、均势、机会成本、生产可能性、无差异曲线、专业化、比较优势、经济利润、市场不同的结构,以及世界贸易和平衡。


Course Name

Principles of Macroeconomics  初级宏观经济

Course Number

ECO 202



Course Description

This course is an introduction to the behavioral science of economics which focuses on the aggregate behavior of households, firms and the government. Topics covered include gross domestic product, national income, economic growth, unemployment, inflation, the business cycle, fiscal policy and monetary policy, and international trade.初级宏观经济向学生们介绍宏观层面的国民经济问题。本课程强调家庭、公司和政府方向。课程内容主要包括国内生产总值、国民收入、经济增长、失业、通货膨胀、商业周期、财政政策和货币政策以及国际贸易。


Course Name

 Intermediate Microeconomics Analysis中级微观经济

Course Number

ECO 301



Course Description

Intermediate Microeconomics is the study of firm and consumer behavior in various market structures. Topics include: price theory, consumption theory, public policy analysis, and strategic firm behavior. Tools and concepts include: indifference curves, budget constraints, cost curves, and game theory.中间微观经济是研究竞争性市场体系下的消费者与生产者行为。主题包括:价格理论、消费理论、公共政策分析和战略企业行为等。


Course Name

Intermediate Macroeconomics Analysis中级宏观经济

Course Number

ECO 302



Course Description

The primary goal of this course is to help you develop a consistent way of thinking about some key macroeconomic phenomena.本课程的主要目标是帮助你建立一种对一些关键宏观经济现象的思考方式。


Course Name

Money and Banking货币银行学

Course Number

ECO 330



Course Description

This course is designed to help students understand the connections between, financial markets, and themacroeconomic. How are interest rates determined.What economic factors drive the yield curves in different bond markets? We will pay particular attention to the banking system, with an eye toward understanding the function and importance of banks.本课程旨在帮助学生了解金融市场与宏观经济之间的联系。利率是如何决定的.在不同的债券市场,哪些经济因素驱动收益率曲线?我们将特别关注银行系统,以期了解银行的功能和重要性


Course Name

International Economic Relations  国际经济关系

Course Number

ECO 344



Course Description

Comparative advantage as basis for gains from specialization and trade examined in some detail. Supply and demand analysis used to study the effects of barriers to trade (tariffs, quotas, etc.). Study of monetary aspects of international economic relations, including: alternative forms of international monetary organization, balance of payments, exchange rates, and mechanisms of balance of payments adjustment.国际经济关系课程主课程包含:世界贸易概览、研究国际经济关系中的货币体系,包括:国际货币替代形式、国际收支、汇率和国际收支调节机制。


Course Name

 Principe of Marketing市场营销学原理

Course Number

MKT 301



Course Description

Marketing is the business function that deals with customers' needs and wants. The role of marketing is to help managers better understand customer preferences, link that knowledge to designing appropriate products and services for selected customers, and determine appropriate methods to communicate, to deliver, and to capture value.营销是处理客户需求和愿望的业务功能。营销的作用是帮助管理人员更好地了解客户偏好,将这些知识与为选定的客户设计合适的产品和服务联系起来,并确定适当的沟通、交付和获取价值的方法。

Math & Statistics:

Course Name

Introduction to Statistics基础统计

Course Number




Course Description

We then cover the basic concepts and applications of probability, both discrete and continuous random variables and their probability distributions. After the midterm, we will start tackling the techniques in statistical inference that account for much common statistical methodology. By the end of the course, we will cover the introduction to regression analysis, which is one of the most widely used statistical tools.基础统计学课程将介绍基本概念和应用,包括常见的离散型和连续型随机变量概率分布。后期将学习统计推断,统计推断是通过样本推断总体的统计方法


Course Name

Applied Statistics应用统计

Course Number

STAT 202



Course Description

Introduction to probability, Bayes’ theorem; discrete and continuous random variables, expected value, probability distributions; point and interval estimation; hypothesis tests for means and proportions; least squares regression. This course has a focus on statistical methods and applications.

本课程主要讨论概率问题及贝叶斯定理;离散型随机变量的方差与期望值;点估计和区间估计; 假设检验与均值比较;最小二乘法。


Course Name

 Calculus I微积分I

Course Number

 MATH 151



Course Description

 This class will go over chapter 2-6 of the textbook. No formalre-requisites; an understanding of pre-calculus will be assumed.本课程主要学习教材中2-6节内容,帮助学生更好的了解微积分。


Course Name

 Calculus II微积分II

Course Number




Course Description

This is the second course in the calculus sequence designed to provide students with an appreciation of the usefulness and power of calculus.本课程主要针对有微积分学习经验的学生,课程目的为让学生更好的运用微积分。


Course Name

Multivariate Calculus多元微积分

Course Number

MATH 233



Course Description

Thismultivariate calculus course extends single variable calculus to cover derivatives and integrals of multi-variable functions and vector-valued functions.多元微积分课程将单变量微积分扩展到涵盖多变量函数和向量值函数的导数和积分


Course Name

Linear Algebra线性代数

Course Number

MATH 250



Course Description

Systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, matrices and determinants, vectors in two- and three-dimensional Euclidean space, vector spaces, introduction to eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Possible additional topics: systems of linear inequalities and systems of differential equations.


Social Science & Humanity:

Course Name

General Psychology  基础心理学

Course Number

PSY 110



Course Description

Psychology entails the scientific study of behavior, broadly defined. As we shall quickly see, how we understand, and study behavior often depends on the theoretical framework used. Hence, a key goal of this course is to guide students toward a broad and critical understanding of psychology from several different perspectives.本课程包括对行为的科学研究,定义广泛。因此,本课程的主要目标是引导学生从几个不同的角度对心理学有一个广泛而批判性的理解。


Course Name

Research in Psychology心理学研究

Course Number




Course Description

This course provides students a clear, concise look at psychological science, experimental methods, and correlational research.  



Course Name

Survey of Western Art from Prehistoric to Medieval  古代艺术史

Course Number

ART 120



Course Description

This course is the first component of a two-part survey. It introduces students to the historical and intellectual content of Western art by exploring the painting, sculpture and architecture from the Paleolithic to the late Medieval period in Europe as presented in terms of history, style, meaning and social context.本课程为艺术史的第一部分,主要讨论从旧石器时代到中世纪晚期的绘画、雕塑和建筑的历史、风格、意义和社会背景,向学生介绍西方艺术的历史和社会发展


Course Name

Introduction to Western Art from Renaissance to Modern  现代艺术史

Course Number

ART 123



Course Description

History of Western European Art and Architecture is a general introduction to the history of western European art, its ancestry and its heritage. It is designed for the beginning student, and assumes no previous experience in art or art history.  In addition to lectures, students will be expected to participate in class discussions.现代艺术史课程将为学生介绍概括性的艺术发展。帮助没有艺术或艺术史学习经验的学生累计经验。除讲座外,学生还将参与课堂讨论


Course Name

Art History of China, Japan, Korea  亚洲艺术史

Course Number




Course Description

This course is a thematic introduction to the major artistic and cultural trends of East Asia, with a focus on the history of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese art. We will study major developments and issues in the art of each culture, discussing mutual influences and cross-cultural artistic flows, as well as the many cultural and artistic differences between cultures in the region.  



Course Name

United States History Since 1877美国近代史

Course Number

HIST 202



Course Description

HIST 202 will introduce students to the most significant trends of modern United States history from Reconstruction to the present day. The student will get a diverse view of the past and will be introduced to social, political, economic, and cultural changes in roughly the last one hundred and fifty years of United States history. HIST 202将向学生介绍从重建到现在美国现代史上最重要的趋势。学生将对过去有不同的看法,并将学习到近150年来美国的的社会、政治、经济和文化的变化。


Course Name

World History世界历史

Course Number

HIST 260



Course Description

This course begins roughly at the year 1500. In one course, it is impossible to cover all civilizations and significant historical phenomena of the past five centuries. The course will pay close attention to developments in China and Japan as well as Europe and North America. A persistent theme will be war and peace and the ideal of international reconciliation.世界历史课将从1500年的历史开始讨论。涵盖过去五个世纪的文明和重大历史现象。本课程将重点讨论关注中国、日本、欧洲和北美的发展。


Course Name

Modern African History现代非洲史

Course Number

HIST 265



Course Description

Modem African History focuses on the history of Sub-Saharan Africa from approximately the eighteenth century to the present. Because of the complexity and size of the African continent, the course does not attempt to provide a comprehensive history of each country, people, and region. Rather, it is organized chronologically and thematically, examining questions of race, gender, ethnicity, violence, environment, disease, and nationalism in the pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial contexts.现代非洲史主要研究大约18世纪到现在撒哈拉以南非洲的历史。由于非洲大陆的复杂性和规模,本课程将按时间的顺序,在前殖民地、殖民地和后殖民地背景下研究种族、性别、种族、暴力、环境、疾病和民族主义问题。


Course Name

 Introduction to Philosophy  哲学原理

Course Number

 PHIL 110



Course Description

This course is an introduction to problems and methods from the Western philosophical tradition. We will investigate three central questions of fundamental human concern from three areas of philosophy: the Philosophy of Religion, the Philosophy of Mind, and Metaphysics. The course is organized around the following questions.本课程主要介绍西方哲学。将从宗教哲学、心灵哲学和玄学这三个哲学领域来探讨核心问题


Course Name

 Classical Greek Philosophy古希腊哲学

Course Number

PHIL 220



Course Description

This course will examine the foundations of Western civilization by surveying the philosophies of the ancient Greek thinkers. We will begin by examining the crucial transition from Mythos to Logos that took place with the early Milesian philosophers’ departure from the earlier worldview found in the poems of Homer and Hesiod, the oldest surviving pieces of literature in the Western world.本课程将通过考察古希腊思想家的哲学家来了解西方文明的基础。课程包含:研究从神话到逻各斯的重要转变,荷马和赫西俄德的文学作品等。


Course Name

Introduction to World Politics世界政治

Course Number

POL 254



Course Description

This course provides an introduction to the study of international politics. We will review the major schools of thought on the causes of war and peace, and take a broad view of the evolution of international politics over time.本课程介绍国际政治学的研究。我们将回顾关于战争与和平起因的主要思想流派,并简单的了解世界政治随之时间的变化。


Course Name

Introduction to Sociology社会学原理

Course Number

SOC 201



Course Description

This course is an introductory course to sociology. We will examine some major sociological theories and concepts. You will learn perspectives to understand the world from a sociological point of view.



Course Name

Introduction to Women’s Studies女性研究基础

Course Number

SOC 205



Course Description

In this course students analyze the varieties of women's experience in contemporary American society, consider how gender relations may be changing, and investigate the historical social, political, economic, and cultural forces that shape our lives relative to gender. Feminist thinking within and across academic disciplines frames the exploration of these topics.在本课程中,学生将分析当代美国社会中女性的各种经历,考虑性别关系可能如何变化,并调查与性别相关的塑造我们生活的历史社会、政治、经济和文化力量。学科内和跨学科的女权主义思想构成了对这些主题的探索。


Course Name

History of Women in the U.S.美国女性历史

Course Number

SOC 301



Course Description

Women, it seems, are more publicly visible than they ever have been. They now routinely occupy places we used to think were only for men: as Supreme Court justices, corporate executives, ghostbusters, and, of course, presidential candidates. In 2016, Hillary Clinton almost made history when she was competing with Trump for the US president.本课程将讨论女性在当今社会中日渐重要的地位。越来越多的女性开始从事以往只有男性占主导地位的工作,例如法官、公司高管、当然还有总统候选人。2016年,希拉里·克林顿在与特朗普竞争美国总统几乎创造了历史。


Course Name

Women studies - Race, Class and Gender女性学研究

Course Number

SOC 302



Course Description

This course will deal primarily with the interplay of race, ethnicity, class, and gender in the U.S. The focus will be on how knowledge is constructed within a racialized and gendered environment, and the implications of such constructions on the lives of women in this country.本课程将主要讨论种族、阶级和性别的相互作用。重点将讨论如何在种族化和性别化的环境中知识建构,以及此类知识建构对女性生活的影响。


Course Name

Social Demography社会人文学

Course Number

SOC 320



Course Description

This course will introduce you to the methods used for studying populations and the theories for describing why people live where they live, and why they move. Although the value of studying population may not be apparent to you now, this course will help you understand how the dynamics of migration and population change affect almost every aspect of human life and help to inform some of our most challenging social problems, including unemployment, terrorism, war, abortion policy and ethnic/religious intolerance.本课程将向您介绍用于研究人口的方法以及描述人们为什么住在他们居住的地方以及他们为什么搬家的理论。虽然研究人口的价值现在对您来说可能并不明显,但本课程将帮助您了解移民和人口变化的动态如何影响人类生活的几乎每个方面,并有助于了解我们一些最具挑战性的社会问题,包括失业、恐怖主义、战争、堕胎政策和种族/宗教不容忍。

Natural Science & Lab:

Course Name

Fundamentals of Physics I基础物理

Course Number




Course Description

This course is an introduction to physics. The main emphasis will be on the branch of physics known as mechanics. This is the study of motion and the causes of motion through the applications of fundamental principles of physics.本课程为基础物理入门课程。主要重点将放在物理学分支,正确认识运动和力的关系。

Course Name

The Chemist’s View of the World化学视角下的世界

Course Number




Course Description

The approach throughout is to provide a background of chemical principles and processes and relate them to their impact on human society. Problems involving environmental pollution, energy sources, nuclear chemistry, and human health are discussed本课程通过讲述化学原理和实验过程及背景,将它们会对人类社会的影响联系起来。讨论了环境污染、能源、核化学和人类健康等问题。


Course Name

Environmental Biology with Lab环境生物及实验

Course Number

BIO 102



Course Description

This course is a general introduction to the field of biology, with an emphasis on biological processes relating to the environment. We will focus on understanding how ecosystems and the populations of organisms within them function and interact. We will also examine human dependence, interaction, and impacts on ecosystems.本课程环境生物学基础课程,重点介绍与环境有关的生物学过程。重点了解生态系统及其内生物种群的功能和相互作用。还将研究人类对生态系统的依赖、相互作用及其影响。

Course Name

Human Geography, Local Diversity基础地理

Course Number

GEO 100



Course Description

This course covers the interlinkages of the economy and society at local, national, and global scales. The first half of the course provides an overview of key concepts from human geography that are used to study society and the economy and describes major economic trends.本课程主要研究地理、国家和全球范围内经济与社会的的关联。课程包含研究社会与经济趋势的关键概念。

English & Communication

Course Name

Fundamentals of Oral Communication公共演讲

Course Number

COMM 101



Course Description

This course helps students learn and apply the major strategies, concepts, and principles of public speaking. Students should gain both understanding and practice in researching, preparing and delivering speeches. This course covers several of the major varieties of speeches used to address real world situations, including instructing, informing, persuading, and praising.本课程帮助学生学习公共演讲的策略、概念和原则。涵盖了几种主要类型的演讲,用于处理在演讲中会发生的情况,通过学习去了解如何指导、告知、说服和赞扬听众。


Course Name

Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction and Poetry创意写作

Course Number




Course Description

In this class, we will read typically 3-5 poems and one short story a week over the course of the semester to challenge and broaden your comprehension of the craft of poetry and fiction. With a focus on people of color, queer, and marginalized voices, we will explore our responsibility as writers under the modern sociopolitical pressures.本课程将在整个学期内每周阅读3-5首诗歌和一篇短篇小说,以挑战和拓展学生对诗歌和小说的理解,探讨现代社会政治压力下作家的责任。


Course Name

Contemporary American Literature美国文学

Course Number

ENG 261



Course Description

The course gives a general overview of the development of American literature since the 1950s, introduces you to selected works representing major trends in American literature since the end of World War II.本课程概述20世纪50年代以来美国文学的发展概况,介绍二战结束以来代表美国文学主要趋势的精选作品。


Course Name

Introduction to Media基础传媒

Course Number

ENG 261



Course Description

This course is designed for students who have grown up in a rapidly changing global multimedia environment and want to become more literate and critical consumers and producers of culture. Through an interdisciplinary comparative and historical lens, the course defines "media" broadly as including oral, print, theatrical, photographic, broadcast, cinematic, and digital cultural forms and practices.
